Rent to Own with Katapult Financing: The Best Option for Bad Credit

Rent to Own with Katapult Financing: The Best Option for Bad Credit

Getting the Furniture and Appliances You Need Without Credit Checks

Renting to own furniture, appliances and electronics can be your best option when it comes to buying new items, especially for those with bad credit. According to the Federal Reserve, credit limitations can make it difficult for low-income households to purchase essential items such as furniture and appliances, leading them further into poverty. There is a solution, rent-to-own and lease with Katapult financing, where financing is accessible without credit checks.

These programs are ideal for those with bad credit since renting items does not affect their credit scores. Partnerships such as Harmony Own with Katapult are excellent options for individuals wishing to acquire their dream home with flexible payment plans, rent to own furniture, appliances, and more.

Home Furnishing Options Available with Katapult Financing

Renting to own items such as sectionals, dishwashers, 4K TVs, and even microwaves, among other electronics and furniture options is a great way to improve any living space without breaking the bank.

With Harmony Own rent-to-own shopping offers flexible rental terms with optional purchasing. However, individuals should be aware of potential benefits as well as limitations when a rent-to-own goes into a purchase contract after a certain timeframe, where an adjustable interest rate is applied.

Selecting the Right Rent-to-Own Furniture or Appliance Shopping Platform

Before selecting a specific rent-to-own platform with Katapult financing for your items, do your research first. Check for partner programs that offer financing with zero approval criteria, like those with Harmony Own.

According to USAC Corporation, understanding lease-to-own and rent-to-own agreements can alleviate stress associated with financially overwhelming situations. This will ensure you find the financing you need when making a decision. This way you can purchase any high-quality items available with financing plans up to 36 months or more at no-interest-cost options.

Secure Rent-to-Own Shopping Plans with Katapult Financing Today

With the number of options available as well as zero-cost down options at hand for rent-to-own shopping, your apartment can look and feel like any home. Get started today with rent-to-own shopping at Harmony Own and don’t let bad credit scores impact your dreams towards owning the furniture you deserve.

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